ATOPCON Newsletter Vol. 9 no 1 April – June 2019 – Institutional Inefficiency, weak monitoring, bane of healthy buildings, says Salako

ATOPCON Newsletter Vol. 9 no 1 April – June 2019 – Institutional Inefficiency, weak monitoring, bane of healthy buildings, says Salako

The President of ATOPCON, Tpl. Dr. Idris Salako spoke recently at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Lagos State Branch. He posited that government agencies need to be strengthened for them to make substantial effect in curbing the menace of collapsed buildings.

It gives me a great pleasure to welcome you all to the event of today and to thank all members of ATOPCON Lagos State Branch for your cooperation and support over the year leading to today’s AGM.

The discussion at this AGM which focused on “SUSTAINABLE LAGOS CITY DEVELOPMENT: DEALING WITH BUILDING COLLAPSE” could not have come at a better time and I have no doubt that discourse at this AGM will be thought provoking, as the recurring incident of building collapse becomes a nightmare and a cause for concern. The incidence of building collapse in the State is reaching an epidemic proportion.

There is consensus among professionals that the reasons for building collapse are as diverse as there are many professionals engaged in the construction of a structure. Identifying the causes, the listed problems include, absence of co-ordination between the professional bodies and the town planning authorities; lack of adherence to specifications by the unqualified and unskilled personnel; poor and bad construction practices. Others are, the use of substandard building materials; lack of proper supervision by professionals; inadequate enforcement of the existing enabling building regulations; illegal conversion of buildings, which often lead to structural deficiencies; flagrant disobedience of town planning regulations by developers; the compromising attitude of town planning authorities and lack of sanctions against erring professionals and developers.

These institutional process failures, include the attitude of governments at all levels, who are allegedly hesitant towards statutorily anchoring the enabling environment for professionals engaged in the construction industry to freely discharge their professional responsibilities. “The fact that government has not found it necessary to effectively regulate their activities during construction proper, but rather, concentrate on regulating the pre and post construction activities constitutes one of the pains of the incidence of building collapse”.

The tribunal of inquiry on collapsed building, constituted by the Lagos State Government in 2013, found the provisions of the Urban and Regional Planning Law 2010, the National Building Code and the Lagos State Building Regulation, 2005 regulating the building industry to be adequate, but were rendered ineffective by non-adherence and crass indiscipline among others. The tribunal also found that prosecution was rare. To all discerning minds, especially among the professionals in the built environment, particularly Town Planners, one can rightly critique that physical planning in Lagos has many deviations from established standard in terms of planning rules and regulations, compliance and enforcement of extant laws, promotion of urban aesthetics, conducive land use, zoning, proper monitoring and ethical rectitude among those who have the remit for urban planning.

Arising from the above observation about the deviations from what ought to be done and not done properly in accordance with planning best practices; urban development scene in Lagos has continued to be plagued with numerous problems, such as:

  • Institutional inefficiency and lack of constant monitoring of on-going development/construction activities;
  • Flagrant violations of operative Lagos Model City Plans and other planning schemes;
  • Non-existence of an Urban and Regional Planning Tribunal required by extant Lagos State planning law, where cases of planning violations/disputes can be petitioned and adjudicated by an Independent jury; and
  • Under-staffed and not-well-equipped Physical Planning District Offices for effective performance of routine supervision and monitoring of developmental activities.

The Lagos State Government must have the political will to do Certain things that government had been repeatedly advised to do over the years in order to improve physical planning, urban development; and to drastically reduce the incidences of building collapse in the state:

Improve the efficiency of LASBCA in accordance with its statutory responsibilities;

Constitute the Urban and Regional Planning tribunal as specified in the relevant provision of the state physical planning law;

Restructure all government MDAs for effective-service delivery, eradicate duplication of statutory functions and encourage inter-agency collaboration amongst ministries/departments/agencies/authorities;

Return the LPA’s and monitoring development activities back to the town planning authorities;

District officers must be held responsible for any planning gaffe/negligence within their areas of operation and where found culpable for aiding and abetting any violation; such official(s) must be sanctioned and reported to the disciplinary committee of his/her professional association for appropriate punishment: and

Strict enforcement of planning laws should be total. It should not be selective, arbitrary, punitive or arrant display of executive high handedness or recklessness.


Tpl. Dr. Idris O. Salako, fnitp (Adesanya Salako & Associates)  President

Tpl. Niyi Odetoye, fnitp (Cityscape Planning Services)             Vice President

Tpl. Oyelola Koleti- Olayinka (TEE-AY-AY Limited)               Secretary General

Tpl. Oluchi Ezeokwelume (Olaide Afolabi & Associates)           Assistant Secretary General

Tpl. Kamoru Adeyemo (Adeyemo Olajide &Partners)              Financial Secretary

Tpl. Philip Okeakpu (Philandrov & Associates Ltd)                  Treasurer

Tpl. Comfort Udoh (Femi Ojewale & Partners)                        Public Secretary

Tpl. Liman Gambo (Saniplan Consiltants Limited)                   Auditor

Tpl. Olaide Afolabi, fnitp (Olaide Afolabi & Associates)            Immediate Past President

Tpl. Muyiwa Adelu (City Matters International)                      Immediate Past Secretary General




L-R Tpl. Olaide Afolabi (Immediate Past President), Tpl. Comfort Udoh (Publicity Secretary), Tpl. Kamoru Adeyemo (Financial Secretary), Tpl. Oluchi Ezeokwelume (Assistant Secretary General), Tpl. Dr. Idris O. Salako (President), Tpl. Muyiwa Adelu (Immediate Past Secretary General)



The third edition of the Award for Outstanding Livable Neighborhood also referred to as Community Ranking Project was held at Adeyemi Bero Auditorium, Secretariat, Alausa, in October, 2018, during the World Habitat Day Celebration. The award is aimed at encouraging active involvement of communities in promoting functional, healthy, safe and clean communities.

Three Neighborhoods were awarded Certificates and Plaques for Outstanding Liveable Neighbourhood. Each in the three senatorial district of Lagos State. The winners are: Crown Estate (Lagos East Senatorial District), Alfred Garden Estate (Lagos West Senatorial District) and Banana Island Estate (Lagos Central Senatorial District)



The President of ATOPCON, Tpl. Dr. Idris O. Salako, fnitp assisted by Honourable Commissioner, Ministry of Physical Planning & Urban Development, Mr Rotimi Ogunleye, while presenting the Award of Oustanding Liveable Neighbourhood to representative of Banana Island Estate (Lagos Central Senatorial District)


The President of ATOPCON, Tpl. Dr. Idris O. Salako, fnitp assisted by Honourable Commissioner, Ministry of Physical Planning & Urban Development, Mr Rotimi Ogunleye while presenting the Award of Oustanding Liveable Neighbourhood to representative of Alfred Garden Estate (Lagos West Senatorial District)


The President of ATOPCON, Tpl. Dr. Idris O. Salako, fnitp assisted by Honourable Commissioner, Ministry of Physical Planning & Urban Development, Mr Rotimi Ogunleye while presenting the Award of Oustanding Liveable Neighbourhood to representative of Crown Estate (Lagos East Senatorial District)




During the two days National Executive Council Retreat held at Abeokuta, Ogun State State on 26th and 27th of January 2018, a Courtesy visit was paid to the department of Urban and Regional Planning, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ibogun, Ogun State. The visit to department was aimed at giving the authority and students a clearer and wider vision of what town planning entails and to broaden students’ knowledge in the various opportunities open to them, making them realize they can make it real good in the profession of Urban and Regional Planning. The NEC also paid courtesy visit to NITP, Ogun state Chapter and the office of Special Adviser on Urban and Regional Planning, Ogun State. The day also witnessed the National Executive Council Meeting held at Continental Suites, Abeokuta Ogun State.


NL5Courtesy Visit to the Office Special Adviser on Urban and Regional Planning, Ogun State, January 2018

 NL6 NL7



Working visit to the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ibogun, Ogun State, January 2018.


The 14th Professional Development Workshop of the Association of Town Planning Consultants of Nigeria, was held at Nike Lake Hotel, Enugu from 21st – 22nd March, 2018 with the theme:  “Contractual Obligation and Public Perception of Town Planning Practitioners”.

It had in attendance the National President of the Nigerian Institute of Town Planners, Tpl. Luka Achi, fnitp, 2nd National Vice President of the National President of the Nigerian Institute of Town Planners, Tpl. Olutoyin Ayinde, fnitp, representative of Town Planners Registration Council of Nigeria (TOPREC), Tpl. Ogbonna Chime, fnitp and the Igwe of Ibagwa Kingdom Nike, HRH. Dr. Emmanuel Ugwu among other dignitaries.

Highlights of the event include paper presentation by the following distinguished Facilitators Tpl. Olutoyin Ayinde fnitp, Tpl. Olaide Afolabi and Mr. Ikemefuna Christian Attamah;




L-R: Tpl. Chijioke Odimuko, Tpl. Waheed Kadiri, Tpl. Luka Achi, Tpl. Dr. Idris .O. Salako, HRH. Dr. Emmanuel Ugwu and Tpl Toyin Ayinde, at the 2018 Professional Development Workshop in Enugu.

L-R: Tpl. Oyelola Koleti-Olayinka (Secretary General, ATOPCON), Tpl. Olaide Afolabi (Immediate Past President, ATOPCON), Tpl. Moses Ogunleye, Past President, ATOPCON at the Professional Development Workshop in Enugu.



  • Nat Environmental Design Associates, Abuja
  • Ritak And Associates Nig. Ltd, Anambra
  • Envicons Team Consultants Ltd, Abuja
  • City Concept & Environmental Management Consultants Limited, Abia
  • HOB Consult, Lagos




Tpl. Dr. Idris Salako (President, ATOPCON) left presenting souvenirs to Tpl. Layi Egunjobi President, Town Planners Registration Council during the visit.




R-L: Tpl. Kamoru Adeyemo (Financial Secretary, ATOPCON), Tpl. Olaide Afolabi (Immediate Past President, ATOPCON), Tpl. Dr. Idris O. Salako (President, ATOPCON), Tpl. Niyi Odetoye (Vice President, ATOPCON)


L-R: Tpl. Muyiwa Adelu (Immediate Past Secretary General, ATOPCON), Tpl. Waheed Kadiri (Chairman BOT, ATOPCON), Tpl. Omotayo Awomosu (Immediate Past Chairman, Lagos State Branch ATOPCON).


R-L: Tpl. Kamoru Adeyemo (Financial Secretary, ATOPCON), Tpl. Olaide Afolabi (Immediate Past President, ATOPCON), Tpl. Niyi Odetoye (Vice President, ATOPCON)

Tpl. Niyi Odetoye, Vice President, ATOPCON and Tpl.  Oladunjoye Arowosegbe (Chairman NITP Ogun State Chapter).




Ten Managing Partners and Head of Firms of ATOPCON were elected into the college of fellows of our great Institute, NITP

  • Tpl Olugbenga Isaac Akinmoladun –           Olak Cosult
  • Tpl Adekunle Adesanya Sonariwo                –           Kuvarick Consult
  • Tpl Ajayi Rufus Abiodun –           Great Scale Planners
  • Tpl Taofik Iyanda Salau –           Masterplan Consult
  • Tpl Sunday Obilo Umezuruike             –           Maestro Plans Consult
  • Tpl Awomosu Omotayo Safurani –           Spatial Resourcing Consulting
  • Tpl Adebisi Moses Adedire                      –           Bisi Adedire & Partners
  • Tpl Adejumo Ayodele Akintayo –           Ayo Adejumo and Co
  • Tpl Adeniyi Oyebade Adetoye –           Cityscape Planning Services
  • Tpl Sanni Kamilu Ademola –           Sanni & Associates

At the last election into national offices of NITP and the elections of some state chapters, the following Managing Partners were elected:

  • Lekwa Ezutah, fnitp – National President
  • Olutoyin Ayinde, fnitp – 1st National Vice President
  • Nathanel Atebije Mamodu – 2nd National Vice President
  • Muyiwa Adelu, mnitp – Chairman Practice Committee
  • Dr. Idris O. Salako, fnitp – Chairman Professional Ethics and Disciplinary Committee
  • Bisi Adedire, fnitp – Lagos State Chapter Chairman, NITP
  • Kamoru Adeyemo – Oyo State Chapter Chairman, NITP

Tpl Idris O. Salako, fnitp, Prsident ATOPCON bagged a Ph.D Degree in Urban and Regional Planning from the prestigious University of Lagos.

Tpl (Elder) Nelson Nwaosu, fnitp bagged a Ph.D Degree in Urban Forestry from Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State.

Tpl. Lambert Ofoegbu, Ph.D was elected the President of Project Management Institute, Nigeria Chapter.

Tpl. Bisi Adedire, fnitp was elected the 16th Chairman of Lagos State Chapter of the Nigerian Institute of Town Planners.

Tpl. Kamoru Adeyemo was elected 16th Chairman of Oyo State Chapter of the Nigerian Institute of Town Planners.


  • To be in the leaque of professional firms with strong network
  • To have a base for effective interaction with professionals in the built environment industry.
  • To get recognition as a firm of consulting urban and regional planners.

To improve your practice and facilitate your ability to meeting the challenges of delivering quality service.



National Council Retreat/ National Council Meeting Tuesday, May 7, 2019 OSTRA Hall & Hotel, Alausa CBD, Ikeja, Lagos.
Visitation to the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Lagos, Lagos State Tuesday, May 7, 2019 University of Lagos, Lagos State.
2019 Professional Development Workshop on Professional Services and Practice: The Ethical Dilemma. Wednesday, May 8 & Thursday, May 9, 2019 LCCI Exhibition Centre, Alausa, Ikeja, Lagos.


National Council Meeting In view Lagos
2019 Annual General Meeting September Lagos
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